Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

what food do you like?

Seri Beginner English adalah program pelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk pemula.
Dalam seri ini kita pelajari berbagai ungkapan dasar dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa Anda terapkan dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
Apa makanan kesukaan Anda? - what food do you like?
Food adalah topik yang sangat universal yang mungkin disukai hampir semua orang.
Perhatikan contoh percakapan berikut:
A: What kind of food do you like?
B: I like chicken. I think it's delicious.
A: Do you like rice?
B: Yes I do. It's tasty.

A: Do you like American food?
B: No I don't, I think it's too salty.

A: What food do you like?
B: I like Spanish food but I don't like Chinese food.
A: Why?
B: Chinese food is too spicy.

Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

Ailing Nokia faces more cuts

Ailing Nokia faces more cuts

The troubled mobile phone maker, Nokia, has announced another round of massive redundancies.
It says it'll be shedding a fifth of its workforce -- 10.000 -- by the end of next year. Nokia said the cuts were necessary to guarantee the future of the company.
It said it would now be focussing on its most popular products and services.
The Finnish company was for a long time the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer, but has been struggling to compete with smartphones made by Samsung and Apple.